Choose Magic (Part One) - A New Beginning

It's been such a glorious four months away.  These past 134 days of maternity leave have given me the most precious gift I could ask for... complete, undivided time with my little girl.  The days have been filled with sweetness, beauty, and, yes, dirty diapers and tears. 

But I've missed you, too.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
The Book: Getting Started on Your Dream-- Replay Available Now!

What an amazing morning!  It was truly inspiring and empowering to host "the Book"panel of 6 heart-and mission-focused authors with Tessa and Kimberly from the Revolutionary Living Institute. 

This content-rich, sales-free call was powerful, and many folks I've talked to since this morning have told me that they feel ready to dive in to their next big writing project!

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
Summer Solstice: Now is the Time to Reclaim Your Power

Today people from cultures and places around the world will celebrate the Summer Solstice. On the solstice, the sun is at peak intensity after months of growing stronger with each passing day— each one longer than the day before, eclipsing short, tepid nights.  This is a time of power, of brazen intensity and full-glory strength.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
Blog Your Heart Out: We're nearly there!

Like with so many things, the time has gone so fast.  

In just a couple of days we'll all fly away, like little birds.  Hopefully, like little birds, we'll keep connecting -- singing praises to one another as we post our work on the FB page, inspiring one another with our words, sharing the lessons we're learning along the way.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
Blog Your Heart Out: This Weekend, Breathe + Write

I want you to sit back, take a breath, and notice how far you've come since last Saturday.  For some of us the results of the challenge -- so far -- are tangible: we've written our first blog post in months (or ever!), have topic lists that feel solid and good to go, and have seen our name in print every where from the humble Holistic Wordsmith Facebook page to the Huffington Post.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
Blog Your Heart Out: What Do I Write About? Part Deux.

I hope the last two days have helped you find, or hone, some clarity on the what of writing, .

Today I'm going to share with you my newest, and most personal way, of deciding what to write about.  Starting next week, we're going to talk about how to organize this what into when by creating an editorial calendar that actually works to get and keep you motivated.  Don't think discipline, unless it's in a sexy kinky way.  Then yes, it's about discipline.  You could also think about it as dedication, devotion, and flow -- but I'm getting ahead of myself.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
Blog Your Heart Out: What Do I Write About?

This week has been such a beautiful week for me.  I've been dreaming of this challenge for months: the people that would be a part of it, the dreams that would be born and expressed through words and images, the web of support that would be created.  And, as with many things, the reality of it is yummier and more divine than I imagined.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang