Blog Your Heart Out: Reflections, Moving Forward, and Two Final Offerings from My Heart

These last couple of days I've been settling into a more quiet place in my heart, in my creative flow, and in my body as I integrate everything that happened for us during the Challenge and get ready to transition into maternity leave.

I'll admit it -- it's hard for me to let go.  I am so excited about the new direction my life is taking, and at the same time, the Blog Your Heart Out Challenge was more wildly successful than I had dreamed of-- so beautiful and inspiring-- that taking a break before baby has actually arrived feels a little incongruous.

I'll miss you so!

As we move forward out of the Challenge, I want to make sure you have everything you need going forward with your writing, catch up on anything you missed, and to build on the momentum and community support that we've created together.  

With that intention in mind, I've decided to offer two ways to take what you've achieved during the Challenge and keep going -- but these offerings are only available over the next two weeks.

The first is the Blog Your Heart Out Workbook, which contains and expands upon all of the prompts, practices, and exercises we did together during the challenge.  

All of the material has been reformatted in a beautiful, easy-to-complete fill-in-the-blank workbook format,  plus:

  • Audio files of all of the writing meditations we've done together (which usually only my one-on-one clients have access to)
  • Done-For-You editorial calendars and other materials
  • My Top Ten Writing Prompts to Get You Unblocked, Instantly
  • An intimate, live, 90-minute laser coaching call where I'll turn all of my heart and mind towards your toughest writing conundrums. 

I really want this to be accessible to anyone who wants to continue deepening into the powerful work we've been doing, so I'm offering this package for only $97.  You can get it right here.

Secondly, if you are ready to take your writing to the next level and want a deeper level of support to get crystal clear on your message, where to go next with your writing, how to cultivate a sustainable, pleasure-filled writing practice, publishing, and receive professional feedback on your work, I've opened up my calendar for 5 one-on-one, 75-minute coaching sessions during the first half of March.  

I don't offer these tete-a-tete, highly focused, single sessions often, but I've been so inspired by the depth and passion that I've witnessed during the Challenge that it just feels right.  

The investment for these is $247 -- and I'll even throw in the Blog Your Heart Out Guidebook for FREE.  

We started with five sessions available, but about half of those are already gone. If one of the remaining ones is destined to be yours, sign up below and then drop me an email to schedule!

Buy Now.

Rebecca Riyana Sang