Blog Your Heart Out: The Soft Opening

I woke up this morning and thought, what we need is a soft opening.

It was a strange thought to wake up to.  We did soft openings when I worked in the fine-dining restaurant biz-- they were these little nepotistic shindigs that came before more grand affairs.  

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
The Power of Prenatal Yoga

Something uncoils inside of me as I rest my strong, round, tired body onto the mat.

My muscles feel pulled, tight, lethargic, but as I stretch them and breathe, I feel the first inklings of renewal and prana, life force, reawakening.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
You are a Writer. So, write. Deeply

Dear Writer,

Yes, that’s what you are.

I know that’s not how you may think of yourself — at least not yet, or not all of the time. Maybe only in the quietest recesses of your imagination, the palest corners of your most innocent self. You may think you are a business-owner, or a healer, or a teacher, or a parent.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
Dark Moon Desires: The Magic of Late Autumn

A few weeks ago we celebrated the autumn equinox, the time of the year when the night and day are exactly equal in length.

Now, with the moon barely new above us, a mere glimmer of light in the darkness, we find ourselves fully in a season of deepening, darkened nights. It’s a time for turning inward, of quieting down from long summer days with appointment planners and to-do lists that stretch for miles.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
Don't Overeat!

Holiday festivities go hand in hand with tempting belt-busters.  Calorie-bomb desserts, butter-laden mashed potatoes, and alcoholic drinks can leave you feeling uncomfortably full and sabotage your weight maintenance efforts.  In fact, a typical Thanksgiving meal can contain a whopping 3,000 calories, according to the Calorie Control Council.  But overeating isn’t your unavoidable destiny.  Heed these simple, smart tips to ensure a healthy, happy party season.

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Rebecca Riyana Sang
The Gifts of Deep Winter

I remember as a little girl struggling to create friendships in school, most probably owing to that characteristic disastrous combination of shyness, intelligence, and shabby clothes.  Recess was always painful for me, until the day that I somehow integrated some of the other young girls into a pretend game I’d been playing which involved riding pegasuses into all manner of adventures in a world we created in our imaginations but transposed onto the playground. 

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Rebecca Riyana Sang