Recently, I came across an awesome blogger named April Bowles Olin, who I was introduced to through the course she taught on "Building a Successful Blog." It was one of those things you can watch for free at the time, and then if you love it, you pay for it so that you can have anytime access.
Read MoreYour Writing Mission for Today...
Read MoreLet's move on to pleasure.
How often do you find pleasure in the writing process? Is it something that happens now and again? An unattainable goal? Are pleasure and creativity something you've longed to connect but are still looking for tools and resources?
Read MoreI woke up this morning and thought, what we need is a soft opening.
It was a strange thought to wake up to. We did soft openings when I worked in the fine-dining restaurant biz-- they were these little nepotistic shindigs that came before more grand affairs.
Read MoreI saved this one for last, because, well, first of all it's Anais Nin and somehow the venusian bohemian in me feels like she's the culmination of all that's come before. But mostly because it's a beautiful, challenging quote. I wonder, just who's culture does she mean, that has no use for the kind of writing that bares our souls and hearts in this way?
Read MoreThis, I think, is the perfect antidote to that question all writers hear in their minds sometimes...
Read MoreOne of the most common questions I get as a transformational writing coach is how much vulnerability and nakedness is too much in the writing we send out into the world...
Read MoreThe Blog Your Heart Out Challenge: Fill the paper...
Read MoreTwo little things, then I'll be on my way. The first is that I'm very sorry for the confusion, but there was a little miscommunication you have probably already noticed -- on the website it says we begin on the 14th, and the email you got from me last week said that we start on the 8th. UGH! How embarrassing.
Read MoreSomething uncoils inside of me as I rest my strong, round, tired body onto the mat.
My muscles feel pulled, tight, lethargic, but as I stretch them and breathe, I feel the first inklings of renewal and prana, life force, reawakening.
Read MoreI'm so excited that you've joining me, and loads of awesome holistic entrepreneurs, writers, dreamers, and modern revolutionaries from around the globe for the Blog Your Heart Out Challenge.
Read MoreToday we’re going to talk about the number one thing you can do to sustain your blogging momentum over the long term. It’s the secret sauce to consistency. It’s the Editorial Calendar.
Read MoreSo, heartbreak happened earlier this week.
About three months ago, I decided that I wanted to take a high-caliber writing class that I’ve taken once before, and found to be enormously helpful in taking my craft to the next level and getting over the stumbling blocks that keep me from prioritizing my writing.
Read MoreAs I was packing to go home today, I realized that the story of the three days I just spent in Atlanta, Georgia, at a Mastery Coaching Retreat could be told by simply looking at the things that had remained untouched the entire trip.
Here are the most telling ones (in no particular order):
Read MoreDear Writer,
Yes, that’s what you are.
I know that’s not how you may think of yourself — at least not yet, or not all of the time. Maybe only in the quietest recesses of your imagination, the palest corners of your most innocent self. You may think you are a business-owner, or a healer, or a teacher, or a parent.
Read MoreConsider this: that your brightest moments of living, the sharpest memories old and new, the days where you felt aligned with your purpose and meaning, are probably those in which you have truly felt the depths of your Desire.
Read MoreA few weeks ago we celebrated the autumn equinox, the time of the year when the night and day are exactly equal in length.
Now, with the moon barely new above us, a mere glimmer of light in the darkness, we find ourselves fully in a season of deepening, darkened nights. It’s a time for turning inward, of quieting down from long summer days with appointment planners and to-do lists that stretch for miles.
Read MoreHoliday festivities go hand in hand with tempting belt-busters. Calorie-bomb desserts, butter-laden mashed potatoes, and alcoholic drinks can leave you feeling uncomfortably full and sabotage your weight maintenance efforts. In fact, a typical Thanksgiving meal can contain a whopping 3,000 calories, according to the Calorie Control Council. But overeating isn’t your unavoidable destiny. Heed these simple, smart tips to ensure a healthy, happy party season.
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