Welcome to the Blog Your Heart Out Challenge
Alright, I'm yours...
I'm so excited that you're joining me, and loads of awesome holistic entrepreneurs, writers, dreamers, and modern revolutionaries from around the globe for the Blog Your Heart Out Challenge.
Essential Details... Blog Your Heart Out runs from February 8th through February 22nd. You'll receive an inspiring, content-rich email from me each day , with downloadable action-step handouts and simple challenges to complete every couple of days (to give you time to actually do them) . The challenges can take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour todo, depending on how deep you want to go and how much time you have available for your writing.
Connection + Chemistry... There's no reason to wait until the 8th to dive in. Let's connect on FB, Twitter and Pinterest, so we can jive, share about our Writer's Sanctuaries (more on that in a bit) and get acquainted with one another's blogs.
- The place to start is the Facebook Group. Introduce yourself and let us know what your intention is for the Challenge. Blogging for business? Beginning a series of posts that might be the blueprint for an opt-in? Writing a series of newsletters to reawaken a long-dormant list? Going on a journey of personal reflection?
- Other fabulous places to connect are Pinterest and Instagram.
Lets Get Visual... One of my favorite ways to use social media to connect during a Challenge like this is to take and share daily photos. You can take a pic of you in your Writer's Sanctuary (wait for it...), or of your downloaded and completed action sheet along with a comment of your biggest take away from that day, or of your shiny new journal and favorite pen.
Ahhhh.... my beautiful blogger, I'm so looking forward to seeing you on the inside of the challenge. Until then, much love!
au revoir,
P.S. "Wait just a sec!" you might be saying to yourself. "What about the Writer's Sanctuary?"
This is one of my favorite things to do with clients when they first start one of my coaching programs -- creating that special place that sets the mood and opens us up to our most creative selves.
Writing, like other forms of creativity, is an act of vulnerability and intimacy. When seducing our Inner Writers, it turns out that the best way to get the most juiciness and sweetness won't look the same for anyone else as it does for you -- and, in fact, it might change every day. Being able to follow the flow of the energy and what will best bring out the most oo-la-la in you, that particular day, is one of the most important aspects of becoming a skilled writer.
I invite you to start a self-discovery process and uncover for yourself what elicits your heart to blossom open into words and your writerly spider-senses to awaken.
Part of what makes seduction of your inner writer possible is the place: a corner of your bedroom, a local library, your patio set surrounded by flowers -- all of these can make amazing Writer's Sanctuaries, especially when they are not the place you usually sit down to "do your stuff." Some lucky folks have places they can set aside just for writing, and if you do, you might like to put together a little altar with inspiring artwork, sacred objects, or pictures of those you love -- whether you know them intimately or they are a writing hero of yours. Other folks may head straight downtown to a local cafe with hipsters and dogs and noisy espresso machines, and find that absolutely perfect.
Another part of it is the accoutrements: espresso, coconut milk chai, or green juice...fragrant fresh roses, the smell of people dancing and moving at a local bar, or enticing essential oil mists... candles and special writing implements... these are all good things to start gathering and experimenting with, now.
There's also the very important aspect of the before-- that is, what you do before you start writing that helps set the mood. Some of my clients like running or dancing before writing to get into their bodies; others like to still their minds with meditation.
Play with the place, the accoutrements, and the before as we head towards the Challenge date. Spend a little time in the morning lighting a candle, writing your thoughts long-hand in a notebook, underlining your favorite words or phrases. Blend a fabulous "Writer's Special" smoothie of your own design and brainstorm possible blogging topics. Take your dog for a walk while listening to a newly-crafted playlist devoted to seducing your inner writer before sitting down to do your email.
And whatever you do, take note. Finding out what makes your creative toes curl is one of the best things you can do to transform your relationship to writing productivity and power.
P.P.S. Another great thing you can do to set yourself up for success is to invite a friend or colleague to take the Blog Your Heart Out Challenge with you to double up the accountability and motivation. Someone out there, in your circle of friends, is yearning to write authentically, from the heart. So pass the word along!
P.P.P.S. One more very important thing. Did this email end up in your "Promotions" folder, where neglected gmail emails go to die neglected, sad, and lonely deaths? If so, you'll want to take these quick steps to make sure you get all of your Blog Your Heart Out Goodness... Open up the evil "Promotions" folder, and then left-click and hold this email to drag it into your "Primary" folder. A yellow question box will magically appear and ask you if you want to receive all emails from me in your "Primary" folder. You definitely want to click "Yes!" Then you'll be good to go.
Bounce back to your evil "Promotions" folder, and then left-click and hold this email to drag it into your "Primary" folder. A yellow question box will magically appear and ask you if you want to receive all emails from me in your "Primary" folder. You definitely want to click "Yes!" Then you'll be all good to go and receive the important info for the Challenge.