The Small but Revolutionary Act that Transformed My Daily Life (+ A Soulful Invite)

It's raining here in the San Francisco Bay Area again, healing waters coming down, renewing our aquifers, making the plants spring to life with green tips and even some flowers, cleaning the fallen leaves off the streets. Out of my window, as I type, I can see a little toddler walking with her mother in a pink raincoat, hood up, cuddly and warm. It's a sweet time of year here.

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to breakup with my phone-- specifically in the morning, which is a time that I like to dedicate to meditation, connection with my family, my writing, and nourishing my body with healthy food and movement.  Let me tell you, it does my whole being good. 

When we give ourselves permission to break from our devices it frees up space in our minds, hearts, and psyches to create the things we wouldn't normally create and truly practice presence, a lost art form in these days

For me, it feels incredibly empowering to "sacrifice" in this way-- that is, in the root meaning of the word, "to make sacred."  Putting my phone away before my evening activities begin and leaving it there until after I can devote myself to my morning practice, my family, and enjoying the beginning of the day is a small but revolutionary act of self-care and commitment in a world that tells us that we need to be plugged in, all the time, or risk falling behind, missing out, or in some other way, to lose out.  

I believe that creating the container I need for my work and growth happens by giving up the things up that don't fuel my authentic self, life, and daily rituals. 

Taking breaks from technology and tapping into the natural rhythms of our bodies, of the seasons, the ebb and flows of inspiration and creativity feels AMAZING and I'm hoping that I can help motivate you to create the structures that you need to do your deep work and live fully in the New Year. 

Yes, even in the face of what's happening on the news--  especially with what's happening. We need to take the time to strengthen ourselves, constantly renew our hope and tap into all that is possible in the face of oppression, trauma, and despair.

For me, some of the best medicine for heart and soul these days is connection to self & spirit with my morning practice, connection to nature, and connection to community. 

Which is one of the reasons that I'm so thrilled to be bringing plant magic and herbal medicine at a yearlong women's circle called the Soulstice Sisterhood, which is an intimate experience focused on empowering women** to expand their leadership and businesses forward with a sense of ease, ground, flow and connectedness in 2017. 

The journey begins in early February, gathering on the Solstices, Equinoxes and the cross-quarter festivals in between (ie the Wheel of the Year), and will take place on 22 acres of healing land in beautiful Petaluma, CA. I'll be working alongside fellow creative, mission-driven women in the Bay Area, and during this time we'll slow down, ground, and cultivate the power to lead with confidence, deep connection and full self-expression. 

The Soulstice Sisterhood was developed by Women's Leadership Coach Ashley Burnett to honor the seasons, the cycles of nature, the rituals of life and ceremonies of all things. There will be a focus on five of the core elements of feminine leadership: The Body, Mother Nature, Self-Care, Supportive Community and the Divine Feminine, and how when we connect to these pieces consistently, and be held in sacred community, it can help us enhance our ability to show up with strength for the communities we serve.


What's included in the adventure: 

- 8 In Person Evening Retreat Gatherings

- Farm-to-Table Feasts During Retreats

- An Apothecary Bar filled with the sweet medicine of yours truly that you can take home to work with throughout the month in between sessions.

- Guest Healers during Rituals

- Recalibration Sisterhood Video Calls

- The Soulstice Sisterhood Online Forum

- Massage Sessions and Handmade Gifts

- Small Group Power Circle Sister Calls

- Access to Ashley's Past Library of Business & Leadership Building Programming

If you are interested in learning more, visit and apply to join. You can also reach out to Ashley at, or feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Always in love,

Rebecca Riyana Sang