A Moon Meditation for Tonight's New Moon Eclipse


Tonight is not only a new moon, and not only a super moon, but it's a super new moon eclipse.  

At 5:54pm PST, actually. So just a couple hours from now. But it's effects will be felt for months, especially until the next eclipse (they always happen in pairs) in April.

hich means Big Magic. Deep magic. Profound, transformative, era-ending magic with a dash of silvery lovelight and sweetness.

I just thought you'd want to know.

Here are some good things to help you make the most of the next three days:

Mystic Mama: 
This is the perfect New Moon to work with your dreams and visions, with art and dance, music and writing… Water forms a doorway to other realms, a way of being which lets us shape-shift into our true, original Self. We can be made whole again when we embrace our past, who we have been and what we have made of ourselves. Our true Self has been over-shadowed with a false story concerning guilt, unworthiness, money, power and hubris.

Chani Nicholas:

This eclipse season, this moment in history, this life, this world, this planet needs our deepest commitment to honesty, to integrity, to creativity, to truth, to love, to justice, to dealing with the difficult without trying to escape it. 

The Intuitive Maven Meditation:
Focused on the moon in Pisces, and taking full advantage of the creative potential of this Super Moon.

I have so much more to tell you... about where I've been, and where I'm going. I'll get to that next time. 

Until then, enjoy tonight's moon magic.

With love, 

P.S. Where's that Intuitive Maven Meditation again?  Right here.

P.P.S. Yes, we'll be starting up the New Moon Virtual Retreat series this spring. And other goodness.

P.P.P.S. I'd LOVE to hear about your experience with the Pisces Moon Meditation!  Pop on over to our Facebook group and tell us all about it.

Rebecca Riyana Sang