This is how it begins.
I slip my airbuds into my ears when I wake up, listen to my mediation while curled up in bed with my partner. Then I switch over to Spotify and play something sexy and soulful while I get up, grab my clothes, head over to the shower (notably, since we no longer have roommates, I can walk over there naked or nearly so and not worry about it-- yesssss….)
This shower has become central to my mornings-- and I was never a morning shower person before-- but it turns out the secret is candles. Showering by candlelight is 10000x better than overhead lights.
After lighting the tealights that surround my rather humble, not very glamorous shower, I grab out the rose-marshmallow oil that I infused when the summer sun still streamed down on their petals. I start with long, smooth, gentle strokes down my legs and arms, then move over my belly, up to my breasts and heart.
I take time to smell the subtle scent and feel the steam of the shower warming up, my skin, the knots in the back of my neck that are slowly dissipating. Every so often, I take a sip of lemon water.
In the shower, with hot hot hot water streaming over me, I apply a face mask and murmur an intention to myself. The music, now streaming into a speaker nearby, gets a little wonky for one song, then, luckily, hits the perfect sweet spot. I take it with me into the kitchen after I’ve gotten dressed, delve into the bulletproof coffee process, then take my journal with me to my practice space. Everything is drenched in the smell of rose and candlelight as I do 10-15 minutes of breathwork with my jade egg, which leaves me ignited and turned on for my writing-- or for my partner if he’s lucky enough to wake up that early.
Sometimes I journal first for 10-15 minutes, other times I jump right into where I left off yesterday with an article, short story, screenplay... I often have many projects going at once, but I feel clear and focused anyway.
Yes, I do this Every. Lovely. Morning. It is a living prayer. It is my dance with the day.
* * * * *
My morning ritual is an act of devotion. I do it because I love it, and I love myself and my life more when I do.
It’s also an act of radical self-love and fierce-self-care. It’s transformational. It’s how I say yes to all that I believe in and hold sacred, and gives me the clarity and fortitude to say no to everything else.
In fact, I used to tell people that the world was secretly dominated by the Morning People, an evil tribe of CEOs, early-rising joggers, and misanthropic yogis, oppressing the rest of us with tyrannical, linear notions of what success, correctness, and scheduling was supposed to look like.
The Owls vs. the Larks. And I was definitely on team Owl.
Even so, I couldn’t shake the feeling that starting my mornings late, looking at my phone first thing once I woke up, puttering around in distraction or bouncing up anxiously to throw on yesterday’s jeans and dash out the door so I could get to work on time didn’t feel good. I couldn’t shake feeling like I was missing something essential, something that so many of the writers, mystics, and changemakers that I admired were in on.
Beneath my bravado and disdain for “The Morning People,” was a feeling of helplessness and despair. Waking up early felt hellish every time I tried, and it seemed like I was wired in a way that made having a beautiful morning impossible for me, either because of genetics, hormones, personality, or some combination of all three. And because of that, especially once I got pregnant and began to think about life with baby, my writing goals, wellness goals, work goals and spiritual practices seemed to stall and sputter out.
Gloriously, I was wrong.
Yes, I have hormonal stuff. Yes, it’s true that no one in my family ever has been a morning person. Yes, it’s true that I’m a moon-lover and a natural night owl. But no, that didn’t mean that I could never learn how to embrace the energy, productivity, and magic of a morning practice-- and the same is true for you, too.
What would your perfect morning ritual be?
How would your life be different if you started everyday with intention and high-vibe, energy-raising practices that put you in touch with your body and soul, cleared your mind of limiting beliefs, and made pleasure a priority again?
I'd like to invite you to this 21-Day path to energy, ecstasy, and radiance: Every Morning, Daily Pleasure Practice: Everyday Rituals to Rekindle Desire, Vitality, and Erotic Intelligence.
It's a deep dive into the power of morning practice, focused on cultivating more energy, desire, and self-love-- banishing fatigue, apathy, depression, distraction, and burn-out as we go. We'll use practices that come from the yoga and tantra traditions, witchy spells of sacred-sexuality and herbal elixirs, and proven, modern-day tools for productivity, focus, and embodiment.
I'll give you the tools you need to craft the morning ritual that your body, heart and soul need right now (which may be really different from what you ’think’ it is), tricks to sneak past resistance and habitual late-rising, and a community to support you along the journey.
Every Morning, Daily Pleasure Practices is a 21-day program
that will teach you to start each day with intention,
beauty, embodiment, presence, and pleasure.
Starting March 8th, we’ll embark on a journey together to create a life where you begin every day with dedication, focus, and creativity.
Your beautiful mornings will infuse the rest of your hours with increased energy, motivation, clarity, heart and soul.
Here's what's included:
Daily live-streamed videos in our private facebook group where I'll lead a different morning meditation every day and guide you through journal prompts to bring your practice deeper. These meditations will focus on opening your heart, expanding your radiance and pleasure, and empowering you to express yourself, your sensuality, and your magic.
Two 90-minute "Jade Alchemy: Healing and Magic for Your Womb, Root, and Pelvic Floor" rituals, one on the full moon and one on the New Moon, to align your practice with the natural rhythms of the earth and heavens and our bodies, to craft powerful intentions for your transformation, and to nourish you, heart + soul.
Unlimited video, message, and voice support through Voxer, which is a powerful multi-media messaging app that many coaches, therapists, and ... this is a sweet way to stay connected, get your questions answered, and receive consistent accountability and words of wisdom.... I usually reserve this type of support only for my one-on-one clients, but you get it for the length of the program! (this aspect of the program alone is a $250 value).
“13 keys for a Successful, Soulful Morning Practice,” which is my content-filled workbook that will guide you through crafting your morning ritual and address many of the pitfalls and roadblocks along the way (so that it actually works... for you. The world does not need one more bland ‘become a morning person’ article. This goes much deeper than the stuff you've read online... I'll share the most effective, catalyzing, awakening tricks and tools I know so that you can uncover your potent morning practice and actually get up and do it.).
A recipe book and online tutorials on crafting morning elixirs with adaptogenic herbs and other herbal goodies, so that you start each day grounded, nourished, and energized.
A community of wholehearted-entrepreneurs, writers, artists, yogis, health coaches and mamas to provide continual support, ideas, troubleshooting, and camaraderie.
PLUS AN EXTRA BONUS: a dream incubating, go-to-bed meditation, herbal nightcaps and practices to nourish deep, restful sleep, and a simple evening ritual to make sure you’re set up for success in the mornings.
Join Us....
Sound divine? It will be! Dive into the blossoming energy of spring and create an effective,
evolutionary morning practice centered on fierce self-care, radical self-love,
pleasure, and a commitment to the magical over the mundane.
“Rebecca Rose Sang and I have taught together many times, and circled together for over fifteen years. I’ve found her to be intuitive and inspirational as a facilitator, a compassionate counselor, as well as a gifted, lyrical, wry and funny writer, and wise beyond her years. She’s one of my favorite people, and anyone she works with will be lucky!
— STARHAWK, author of the Fifth Sacred Thing & The Spiral Dance.”